One of my FPV goals was to fly around and take video of the big letter B in the foothills of Burbank and today I’ve met that goal!
My flight times are about 12-15 minutes on 2 x 2,200 3S lipos, on my scratch-built J-Twin airplane (for more information about it click here). I’m using my FrSky Taranis and and extended range receiver, the new X8R and I had no problems with RC range. I was having some static and at around 1KM on my video feed, as I’m using an ImmersionRC 5.8 ghz 600 mW video transmitter.
One response to “B is for Burbank – FPV Flight”
[…] I decided to try to fly close to them via FPV. Here is me second attempt (the first one was B is for Burbank, click here to watch that video). Please excuse the excessive jello and vibes; the CC3D controller […]